

Parul Rana

Thespo is back with its second season of Audio-Torium, an audio storytelling initiative designed to develop, curate, and showcase innovative audio performances by artists under the age of 25. The digital event is designed to encourage and facilitate emerging artists'' exploration of the audio medium, through workshops, masterclasses, and mentoring sessions surrounding various aspects of audio storytelling �' sound design, writing, recording and editing, production, and direction. Thespo is inviting young emerging artists to submit proposals for audio performances and experiences they wish to develop. You can register and participate in this event from anywhere in the world. The last date to register is 1 September 2021.

'The Audio-Torium initiative began in 2020 and arose from Thespo''s commitment to keeping the spirit of theatre alive through the pandemic. During the first lockdown, we at Thespo were actively attempting to establish avenues where theatre-makers could stay connected and create meaningful performances digitally. It was during this period that we stumbled upon the wonderful world of audio performances and discovered the endless possibilities of the medium. The medium itself capitalizes on the fact that audiences need to visualize the scenes being created for them, making it a rather personal experience for those listening. We realized then that this was something that we had to explore!' shares Anushka Ghose, Team Thespo.

Reflecting on the journey and experience of Season 1 of Audio-Torium, Toral Shah (Mentor- Team Thespo) shares, 'The journey of Thespo Audio-Torium has been fascinating. Season 1 received an overwhelming response in the form of project proposals from India, Nepal, and Trinidad. It was inspiring to see the enthusiasm and ambition with which first-timers were willing to dive into this new medium! The ideas Thespo received from across the country back in August 2020 have translated into six original audio productions by artists under 25 and are available on leading audio content platforms. Each project explores a different way of telling stories in the audio medium. Each brings something unique to the table, be it new writing, innovative sound design, or performances. But most importantly, each production is testament to the deep dive young artists are willing to take, into the unfamiliar but fascinating world of audio.'

Sahir Mehta, a participant from Season 1 shares his experience 'The Thespo Audio-Torium is the perfect space to explore a whole new and exciting medium. The guidance and support involved in the process ensure that you''re on top of your game while also allowing you to explore and discover freely.'

Thespo is a platform for any and every young person under 25 who is interested in any and all aspects of theatre. Except for the age limit, Thespo firmly believes in including youth from all parts of the world, all fields, all language groups, and all art forms who share a love for theatre.

*Parul Rana is a theatre enthusiast and movie buff.

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