
Hold the Moment - VOice & Speech training with Alok Ulfat

From : 09/12/2022 To : 09/23/2023
Start time : 9:00 AM End time : 1:00 AM

Theatre Group : Alok Ulfat Center for Performing Arts
Faculty : Alok Ulfat
Venue : Little Raina

Mumbai - 400061, Maharashtra, India
Alok Ulfat's physical, psycho-spiritual approach is designed to take the participants beyond the narrow idea and intellectual definitions of the Self. The workshop is a revolution where one finds moments of deep realisations, togetherness, joy & aesthetics.

The workshop creates environments where the participant begins to free oneself from fear and other internal blocks, and encourages self-confidence and inner alignment.

With heightened energy created in the workshop space and with new ideas generated within the group the participant experiences inspiration to creatively express deep wishes, intentions and visions.


Alok has designed the workshop from over 30 years of experience of acting, directing, devising performance productions and training actors in Mumbai and abroad. Actors trained by him since the beginning of Online classes have created a dignified place for themselves in the film world.


*What makes the workshop*

Aspiring artists from diverse backgrounds

Engaging activities and practical tools to strengthen Voice & Speech specifically suited for screen-acting

The artistic activities encourage Holistic thinking to view life from a broader perspective that includes seeing the unseen, discovering hidden patterns and cycles in our natural and man-made world

Learning to see images and events beyond the external reality

Practical tasks and skills to create truthful performances

Individual observations, and feedback to improve, at all times

Activities will include homework, producing videos and practice for the auditions


*Focus of the workshop*


Intuitive Movement


Connecting & offering

Exploring the authentic voice

Communication - verbal & non-verbal



*What you may Accomplish*

Mastering Stillness

Listen to the sound of Silence

Strengthening Breath

Exploring Voice & Noise

Expressing Emotions

Powerful Imagination

Spontaneous Improvisation

Imaginative Storytelling

Impactful Speech

Creative writing

Mastering Script

Truthful Characterization

Art of Auditioning

Theatre Workshop Fees : 20000

Important Note : Mumbai Theatre Guide takes no responsibility for outcome of theatre workshops. Interested participants may attend them at their own discretion.

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