
Children Theatre Summer Camp

From : 25/03/2024 To : 08/04/2024
Start time : 1:00 PM End time : 3:00 PM

Theatre Group : Five Senses Acting Studio
Faculty : NSD & FTII Faculties
Venue : Five Senses theatre Studio
D-5, Society no.-79, Beside Jankidevi Public School Four Bunglow (MHADA), Andheri We
Mumbai - 400053, Maharastra, India
- Theatre Games & Exercise
- Voice & Speech
- Working On The Stage
- Imagination & Observation
- The Vocabulary Of An Action

The major focus of theatre summer camp is to conduct creative curriculum-based and participatory classes. theatre summer camps are specially designed and prepared for children. The major thrust of the theatre summer camp is to create an atmosphere where every kid can discipline and train themselves as confident, spontaneous, and expressive autonomy. We love to encourage talent and mold their personalities to raise questions and make decisions and choices with an awareness of themselves within the larger society.

Aim of the Speech and Drama :
1. Develop Creativity-
Creativity is developed through role play, drama, mime, improvisation.

2. Develop Communication Skills-
Through role play etc., general conversation and observation the child�s awareness and
demonstration of, important concepts �such as eye contact, turn making, verbal and non-verbal
communication, social skill, interpersonal skills, and areas of need are again discreetly targeted.

3. Refine and polish verbal/non-verbal communication skills-
The aim is not to change your child�s dialect, it is fundamental part of their identity, my aim is to
polish/equip your children with the necessary techniques to speak clearly and eloquently. Again
role play is used to explore the importance of articulation, diction, clarity.
4. Creative Thinking-
Every child is born with the gift of imagination and inventiveness. Its potential just needs to be tapped at
the opportune time, and channeled in the right direction. Through Imagination exercises Kids will build and
write their own stories through Images, Objects, music, observation etc.

Intellectual � increase in skills such as problem solving, negotiating, creativity, organizing and planning, retelling familiar stories, application of newly gained knowledge, and mathematics.

Physical � increase in skills such as gross and fin motor development, fitness, strength, and coordination

Social � development of skills such as sharing, taking turns, cooperation, negotiation, impulse control, delay gratification, and deal with disappointment.

Emotional � increase in self-esteem, pride, and accomplishment, the feeling of safety and protection, development of a sense of self and individuality, and feelings or purpose. Theatre is a sophisticated expression of a basic human need � one might call it an instinct � to mimic, to project stories onto ourselves and others, and to create meaning through narrative and metaphor. Theatre brings people together because every activity is built through collective efforts- participants pass through such a process for team making, community building, administration and leadership development, self-regulation, behavior guidance, etc.

Theatre Workshop Fees : 5000

Important Note : Mumbai Theatre Guide takes no responsibility for outcome of theatre workshops. Interested participants may attend them at their own discretion.

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