Mujeeb Khan Artistic Director, The Ideal Drama and Entertainment Academy (IDEA) [Marathi Theatre ]
Your favourite adda to see a play�
Sathaye college auditorium. Our group performs regularly there and we also conduct our workshops there.
Your favourite playwright �
P.L.Deshpande, Vijay Tendulkar, Badal Sircar.
A novel/short story you would like to see on stage? Why?
'Khol Do'. Written by Saadat Hasan Manto. The premise of the story, touches your heart.
The most hilarious play you have seen �
An important play (but ignored)
A passage from an important play that you can recite�
Passage from the play AFOO (Pardon) by Munshi Premchand, where the father speaks out his feelings on knowing that the person to whom he had given shelter is no other then his son's murderer.
A classic play that you should have read �
How do you regard the Mumbai theatre scene?
It is pitiful that Mumbai theatre stages the same old plays (with new titles) even today just like old wine in a new bottle. The need of the hour demands fresh scripts which can be obtained from the already available stories in our literature. Definitely this requires effort.
Have you read any interesting books/articles concerning the theatre? Why did you find them interesting?
Script Analysis by James Thomas. This book will benefit actors, writers, and directors, and will also help those looking for guidelines about non realistic theatre.
If you have ever been a part of a theatre production/s, can you recall an event that was insightful, significant or simply humorous?
In the eighties, we were doing this play wherein the hero had to shoot the villain and it was decided to light a fire cracker back stage to give the shooting effect. The hero prepared to shoot but the cracker did not burst. This went on for three attempts and finally the hero decided strangle the villain. While he did so all the three crackers burst one after the other. Ha...Ha...