Sushama Deshpande Actor, Writer, Director [Marathi Theatre ]
Which is the last best play you saw and why?
Your favourite adda to see a play...
Anywhere. Inside the theatre, outside...
Your favourite playwright...
Mahesh Elkunchwar and Satish Alekar
Your favourite play character...
A play you would like to see filmed. Why?
LOOSE CONTROL, directed by Nipun Dharmadhikari. This was a youth play and has the potential for a film.
A novel/story you would like to see on stage. Why?
Stories of Gauri Deshpande and Priya Tendulkar. While reading their stories I saw drama in them.
The most hilarious play you have seen...
LOOSE CONTROL ( I have acted in it)
A play which has been over hyped...
It does not matter. The actors should have enjoyed performing the play.
A play character you would like to dialogue with...
Kumbhakarna from Ramu Ramnathan's play COMRADE KUMBHKARNA
A passage from an important play you can recite...
Benare's soliloquy ' Hoy mala pushakal kahi mhanayachay, kiti divasat kahi mhatalach nahi...' from Vijay Tendulkar's SHANTATA COURT CHALU AHE.
How do you regard Mumbai theatre scene?
Quite Good. Young groups as well as senior groups are doing theatre in Mumbai.
Have you read any interesting book/ articles concerning the Theatre? Why did you find them interesting?
Articles from the E- Rang Newletter. I come to know about theatre from different places and of the interesting work that is being done in some places.
If you have ever been a part of a theatre production/s, can you recall an event that was insightful, significant or simply humorous?
I was directing my play BAYA DAAR UGHAD and during one of the rehearsals I found that the actors were not concentrating and were also laughing. I got upset . Later, they told me. "See the way Kakade kaka (Arun Kakade of Awishkar) gets involved in our play. See his expressions." Now Kakade kaka used to sit behind me so I never saw him when he used to see our rehearsals. Next day I observed him. He gets completely involved in the production and his facial reactions are transparent. He is always reacting, which is great fun to observe but it also speaks a lot of his immense involvement.
Can you think of a foreign production that you found remarkable? Why?
I recall watching a production of A DOLL'S HOUSE on Broadway. The production and actors were just great.
Your favourite director/actor/Music Director/set designer...