


Tarun Agarwal

Written and Directed : Ravi Kant Nirala
Cast : Sapna Yadav, Shimmi Bhagwat, Radhika Mhatre, Bhagyesh Patil, Raj Moitra, Naveen Suravarpu, Devesh Sharma, Sairaj Zajam, Ravi Kant Nirala


There are many reasons why RANGSHILA's TUMHARA SHAAMI is a credible play. There is a novelty in the main storyline. There is also a variety of sub-plots. This makes the play about communal harmony a worthwhile watch.

The actors are good and look the part with their costumes. Sapna Yadav and Shimmi Bhagwat get to be at the centre of the story. A girl discovers old letters received by her grandmother from her lover in her younger days. They were forced to part because their respective families need them for their safety, amidst Partition migration and riots. This kind of story helps us reflect on the consequences of Hindu-Muslim conflicts, on the loss that had occurred whenever communal harmony has been shaken. More than the political leaders, the focus is on the impact of the partition on the common man.

The costumes are made with care. Even though there have been many stories told on communal harmony in the recent years, one more does not make it less important.

There could be some debate on the likelihood of such a plot wherein someone could have an emotional attachment even after many decades of no contact. The play is average in terms of entertainment value.

Ravi Kant Nirala proves himself to be a thoughtful writer with an inclination of new plot ideas. Perhaps, the path of innovation is a learning process and though commendable, it is not as safe as making an adaptation of proven and overdone stories and authors.

TUMHARA SHAMMI is not too hard-hitting and appeals to one's thoughts and emotions. It can be a suitable watch for anyone.

(Tarun Agarwal is the founder of an entertainment startup, Big Bad Idea)

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