Based on Twinkle Khanna's charming short story, 'Salaam Noni Appa' from her bestseller The Legend of Lakshmi Prasad, this is the delightful and heart-warming tale of an autumn romance. Noni Appa, a mature widow, and her sister Binnie, opposites in nature, are two women whose world, after marriage, children and widowhood, is once again a shared one, in which they laugh, bicker, fight and love, and spend their days in a familiar, comfortable, if staid, manner. And then one day, Noni Appa suddenly finds herself falling in love with a married man a few years younger than her, and is torn between choosing companionship over respectability.
Salaam, Noni Appa" is a play about breaking stereotypes, about being open to new adventures , about being true to oneself and rediscovering what makes life really worth living.
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