“SHRIMAD GEET RAMAYAN” is a Marathi drama, based on the Ramayana, and the entire Ramayana History from the birth of Shri Ram to the coronation of Shri Ram is shown in drama form. In this drama, 12 songs by G.D. Madgulkar from Geet Ramayan are included which carry the drama forward. Actor Akshata Naik and 50 child actors have worked in the play. Incorporation of drama, dance, and action scenes is important to make the play interesting. The drama has been Created-written-directed by Dr. Ganesh Janardan Ghugare. The play will be produced by Yevnet Multimedia Pvt. Ltd. Vrushali Ganesh Ghugare is the producer of the play. Music re-composition- advising direction will be done by Vishal Rane. Make-up and costumes under Kishore Pingle. Mandar Kane is the production controller- and management as a facilitator.