The famous film actress Hansa Wadkar has candidly shared her experiences and struggles in her autobiography, narrating them exactly as she lived them. There is a poignant aroma of deep dissatisfaction in her words. Her parents were extremely poor and addicted to substances. As a result, Hansa Wadkar had to start working in films at a very young age. Later, she married at an early age. Her husband, struggling with financial difficulties, forced her to continue working in films, and his constant doubts and suspicions made her married life unbearable. Due to the oppressive behavior of her husband, she turned to alcohol. She was caught in the webs of several men. However, her dream of a happy married life was never fulfilled. Facing a lack of education and struggling with the harshness of life, she tried to build both her film career and her life. Throughout this journey, exploitation, humiliation, and crushing disappointment never left her side. The key moments of Hansa Wadkar’s autobiography have been adapted into a dramatic solo play titled "SANGATYE AIKA" (Listen, I tell you), where her life’s journey is presented on stage. Her development, entry into films, the obstacles and setbacks in her personal life, the pain and suffering she endured, her downfall, and the occasional attempts at self-recovery - all of this forms the narrative. The story also touches upon her career in cinema, the exploitation she faced as an individual, her failed attempts to escape from this, her addiction, the bitter experiences with men, and her unfulfilled desire for a happy married life. All these aspects together create the essence of her life’s story. Hansa Wadkar’s life is deeply etched in our hearts.