The full length Marathi Play, "Aarsa" is derived from 'Aaina' a Hindi play which was adopted from the original Gujarati Play Ariso (written by Dr.Girish Dani). ARISO received many awards in Chitralekha Competition. Director Writer Umesh Jangam dramatically transformed the play in all three languages.
The play is about the heartfelt search of the individuals' personal identity in the pride community.
The court cases about IPC act 377 from 2009 to 2016 are used as a background story merged with different stories of different individuals who were fighting to find their personal Identity.
The second act is a court drama which ultimately resulted in the historical win on 6th September 2016.
It's a must watch for every individual, so that the myths about the pride community will be revealed and the Pride people will be whole heartedly accepted by the society.