Manga Manikya Prahasana" By H.N. Satya is the Kannada adaptation of the famous Marathi folk play `Vichha Majhi Puri Kara` which was written by Vasant Sabnis, and was later translated in Hindi by Usha Banerjee as "Saiyyan Bhaye Kotwal". The play has been designed for urban viewers while keeping the rural punches intact. The story is that of a king and his scheming prime minister. Following the death of the administrative head - the "Kotwal", the Prime Minister promptly fills the coveted post with his inept and undeserving brother-in-law. As per the hierarchy, the present "Havaldar" ought to have been promoted to that post. The wronged Havaldar along with his sweetheart Mainavati plans to frame the new Kotwal. Mainavati, who is a dancer, works her charms on the Kotwal and then beseeches him to fulfill her numerous wishes (hence the name, Vichha Majhi Puri Kara). The play`s slapstick comedy brings out the political undercurrents of nepotism