Mahabanoo Mody Kotwal
Director of �Vagina Monologues�, which won an Obie award, Mahabanoo Mody Kotwal claims her theatre is not elitist

- by Purva Desai

How was the experience of directing a play like � vagina monologues�, which is a women oriented play, dealing with sensitive issues?
The experience was wonderful. It was unbelievable. The audience response was a major tension. But the Bombay public accepted it very openly.

As a director, what are your expectations from your actors?
As a director, I expect my actors to do their best and not try and do their best because people come to see you do your best.

Is there any message you would like to give audiences?
I don�t believe in messages. Just want the audience to keep welcoming our productions. All our productions have really been appreciated.

Any one play that you would love to direct?
Am currently doing that with Vagina Monologues.

English theatre is usually seen as elitist theatre. Comment.
I don�t think so. Vagina Monologue has lower middle class people watching the play. People are seeing it and loving it. My theatre is not elitist. Have no illusion of being elitist. My plays are appreciated by all.

Your views on the current theatre scenario?
Theatre is moving forward. I am helping bring theatre forward. Never underestimate audiences. Give them good stuff. Not the same thing again and again. The young bunch is doing a lot. Young women are writing plays but there is a dearth of originality. People should branch out. I rarely adapt. Our scriptwriters need to hone their creative skills. Too much of soap opera language is used in plays. We don�t like that.

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