Interview with Jeff Goldberg
Writer, director Jeff Goldberg speaks about his journey in Indian theatre, his new production SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? a solo performance by Aish Pandit, working with other actors and the thought behind #WeAreNewBollywood.

 By MTG editorial

How did you start your journey in Indian theatre?
In 2013, I directed my first play, AN ODE TO MV WISDOM at St. Andrews Auditorium. Since then, I have been part of over thirty productions as either a writer, director, actor and producer.

When did you start preparing the script for SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? What was the thought behind this project?
In early 2023. The project aims to be a relatable journey for millennial Indians who are quickly approaching their 30s. They are faced with so many choices and opportunities, more than any other generation before them, but they seem confused about which one to take.

How long did it take to write the script for SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO or any other projects?
It took me about a month to get the script for the show just right. Each project is different, and they each take their own time. It's not about a timeline, but making sure that the writing is achieving what we set out to do.

Something about the actress Aish Pandit!
Aish is a gem. She has so many tools as an actor. She really knows her craft and loves acting. She is a joy to work with and watch. She has a very bright future, and I am so pleased that she and I have had the chance to collaborate on this project. I look forward to many more such collaborations.

Solo performances are very challenging, and physical theatre is demanding. What are your thoughts behind that?
Yes, one-person show is a challenge, which is why it is so important to cast the correct actor. In the case of this show, there was never any doubt that Aish was the right choice. She has truly made the show her own, bringing flare, laughter, and vulnerability to the character.

What do you think about Indian and international theatres?
I believe that theatre is and has always been a crucible for ideas and debates. It is where our dreams come to life and illuminate themselves on stage. Theatre is important for the role it plays in society and the arts.

You had met many of the playwrights and directors. In the future, who would you like to work for?
I would love to work with so many people, it’s hard to think of anyone just like that, but if I must, Sunil Shanbhag, Q, Akarsh, and Aadhar Khurana, Shernaz Patel and many more...

The Jeff Goldberg Studio says #WeAreNewBollywood; what's your thought behind that?
So many of our actors are working today in the industry; it is so humbling to see their success. They have made it because of their hard work and talent, which is what is so important. The hashtag represents this work ethic and ethos. It is about making sure that actors act and can do their jobs. It's all about the work

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