Om Katare-II
Yatri's latest production RAVANLEELA is a Musical, directed by the group's Artistic Director, Om Katare. Find out what he has to say about it.

 Deepa Punjani

OM KATAREIn our present context, do you find Musicals more difficult to mount?
Yes, Musical plays are really difficult to stage. You need singer-actors and good musicians. Luckily i have them. I give 110% marks to the RAVANLEELA team. They have given me tremendous support to produce this mega play. The team is made up of 25 people. Costumes have been specially designed by Jyoti Madnani. Gagan Riar who plays Raavan has also created the Music for the play. The songs are the backbone and I just love the Music.

Did your actors go through any special training?
No. But since this play is in a different form, the actors have to understand it. It required more rehearsals than the other plays that I have done.

"Musical plays are really difficult to stage."

You are also acting in this production. What do you play?
For the first time I am playing a female role. I play Sita. It's really tough to play a female role but I am trying my best.

Yatri has a dedicated audience. How do you think it will respond to this production?
It's a different kind of comedy. I hope my audience will like it. Let's hope for the best.

Any other new productions in the offing?
My new play may be based on the award winning Hindi Novel 'Draupadi.' I have adpated it for the stage.

*Deepa Punjani is Editor of this website.

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