It has often been said that Urdu is not just a language but an entire culture. The responsibility of preserving this culture has always been on our poets and writers. However, in the present times, the market has become so dominant over literature that both the culture and the quality of literature have seen a rapid decline. Superficial and commercial entities have taken over literary gatherings and poetry recitals. Disrespect under the guise of literature is rampant. In such a scenario, the lives of the few serious individuals left have become increasingly difficult. With all these aspects in mind, this drama "Theke Par Mushaira" has been written. It features characters from the realms of literature, theatre, poetry, and market, such as Ustad Kamaal Lakhnavi, Ram Bharose "Gaalib", Bagh Dehalvi, Tevar Khayalpuri, Romi D'Souza, Maina Sehgal, Chhangur Allrounder, and Anurag Aahan. Through these characters, the entire narrative of the drama is woven. This drama, through satire and humour, presents some stark realities of our literary society, both inside and out, making us smile and feel sad at the same time.