SHABNAM KI BOONDEIN Synopsis: We humans think that our outer and inner world are different from each other, we see them with different view point and use accordingly. In this context there are two different points to note. Firstly, we see outer world as the ultimate truth and use it for our good. Secondly, our outer world is gift from almighty, whereas truth is something else.
Actually our mind is everything which initially is like a blank sheet. And this blank sheet has its own importance and relevance. To satisfy our mind we show different behaviors of love hate greed jealousy, ego.
This play tries to convey this message that all of these behaviors are not bad. It's only about control and maintains balance between two sides.
BAPAUTI HUQ Synopsis: In this world of diversity along with universalism, nature has give all beings an unsaid right to live independently. Few people always try to disturb this subtle balance. For that they use tricks and all sorts of manipulations. This play is only an effort to make us all aware of our own basic rights. This play actually focuses on the all the assets resources, this world possesses and inequality in its use and distribution.
SONE KI CHIDIYA KAHAAN GAI? Synopsis: From independence till today, the basic needs of the public can not be fulfilled. This is unfortunate for any country. This play is a voice against the system. In this drama the system has been demanded that the basic needs of the public should be given free. In the country's economy, on the basis of which the poverty line has been determined; Amiri line should also be determined on the same basis. What should be the real issue of public movement; This has been highlighted in this play.