Seeing Bollywood actresses of yesteryears on the stage, is soon becomming a common sight. Poonam Dhillion will be seen in this rib tickling comedy.this play focuses on a wife's search for the perfect husband. The play revolves around urban high profile socialite couple Amar and Mallika. Much in love, married couples go through upheavals of their fast track high profile life. Amar, is a globetrotter, enterprising entrepreneur, with an action packed work schedule, which keeps him away from home and his wife Mallika. Mallika on the other hand, is full of life and has many expectations from her marriage. She waits endlessly for moments when she can spend time with Amar.
Their life goes on until Amar has to go abroad for a long business trip. It is when Mallika is alone that she comes across an advertisement in the newspaper, which says "a guaranteed supply of the perfect husband". In her search for the perfect husband, Mallika goes ahead and places an order for the perfect husband. The package arrives on schedule and life takes a turn about. To find a perfect husband is in every man's mind and in every woman's heart. Compatibality seems to be a thing of the past. No more do husbands and wives want to compromise on their priorities, and showing the plight of married couple's is this play" perfect husband". but the quaetion is do mallika and amar get what they want?