Pajama Party, a new social satirical play by Atul Satya Koushik, is a totally different take on how we look at and deal with crimes against women. The tag-line of the play says "it's a play for all women. it's a play for all men." The play is funny, glamorous, flamboyant and thought stirring.
Darsha, Aisha, Kalyani and Urvi are four friends from Mumbai and each of them is standing at a crucial juncture of her life looking forward to something great in times to come. They gather for a Pajama Party at Aisha's place who lives there with her boyfriend Abhay. Night progresses with music, fun, jokes and food but what happens post that changes their lives for ever. But instead of succumbing to it they decide to stand against it and find a maverick way to deal with this sudden change in their lives.
Owing to the funny times and funny society we live in, things don't turn out the way the girls wanted and the plan backfires. They are left with no option but to quit and succumb to the pressure from all over. Will they do so? Who will stand by then when no one is willing to? Come for the Pajama Party and find all these answers.
The play is a quintessential "Atul Satya Koushik" production with a stellar star cast, enviable sets and production values, original music and unabashed original content.