Noor is an ancient Persian saga of love, lust, and treachery in Hindi/Urdu language, along with live Sufi songs and drama in a singsong form based on the idea of Oscar Wilde, Opera. Salome Banu Noor, the Queen of Arbastan, falls in love with a Sufi Mystic who is a prisoner in the Kingdom of Persia. She is totally obsessed with him and wants him to accept her love at all costs. But the Sufi is a man of God who believes in the love of the Almighty which is Spiritual love and preaches all to rise above lust and merge with the spirit which is the ultimate goal of mankind. Noor in her obsession and desire to possess him pleads and begs him to accept her love, but he spurns her advances and humiliates her. Angered, hurt and rejected, full of vengeance Noor then manipulates her way through a dance for the King of Persia, in return for a favor which would change the course of history.