This Ekjute production is based on a compilation of stories written by the renowned Hindi writer Munshi Premchand. Four famous humorous stories written by Munshiji (as Premchand is lovingly called); namely, Darogaji, Bade Bhaisahab, Rasik Sampadak and Aansuon ki Holi are dramatized.
Known for their simplicity, proximity to reality and an uncanny sense of humour, these stories hold a message that is supposed to touch the hearts of its audience. According to the Ekjute team, although Premchand is known for the serious issues and his satire, the selected stories will reveal another shade of Premchand�s work; the witty and the humorous style that he was also capable of revealing.
This play will also be interesting from the perspective of drawing parallells as Naseeruddin Shah�s theatre group-Motley too has taken up Bade Bhaisahab as one of their stories in their play titled KATHA COLLAGE.