


By MTG editorial

Writer : Siddharth Pratibhawant, Sudhesh Jadhav, Pravin Mukta, Priypal Dashantee, Irawati Karnik, Dhammarakshit Randhive, Amruta Todarmal, Apurva Kadam, Abhishek Majumdar
Director : Abhishek Majumdar

In a rapidly changing India, a young man and those around him navigate their dreams, desires, dilemmas while also negotiating caste and class.
An operatic satire about young Ambedkarite experiences, existing alongside various intersections of identity.

   KAVAN Play Schedule(s)
 8:00 PM, Sat, March 15 Rangshila Theatre , Mumbai (map link)
 4:00 PM, Sun, March 16 Rangshila Theatre , Mumbai (map link)
 8:00 PM, Sun, March 16 Rangshila Theatre , Mumbai (map link)

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