The story Chandu ki Chachi, is about Chandu, an orphan brought up by his aunt. He is completely devoted to her and wants to fulfil her every wish and desire which she dreams for him. Bur slowly this devotion and obedience takes a dangerous turn when it borders on obsessive behaviour.
The children tease him by singing the old age ditty 'Chandu ke Chacha ne Chandu ki Chacha ko chandani raat mein chandi ki chammach se chatani chatayee', and they find out that they can destroy his peace of mind.
For they know that he is more capable than all the others of his age be it at studies or any other extra curricular activities.
This story portrays the eternal struggle of good v/s evil and finally good triumphs over evil and other hurdles, to come out shining.
The story is presented in a hilarious manner, which keeps you in splits till then very end.