Produced by Dharmesh Mehta & Jitendra Parmar, BHAGO HANSA PHIR AA GAYI overtakes the double-role comedy by projecting well known small screen actor Tanaaz Currim in six different roles!
Each of these roles is spiced up with characterizations ranging from Phoolan Devi to Meena Kumari to two twin sisters who are completely unlike each other. Guranteed to produce enough guffaws, this new entertainer presented by Kaustubh Trivedi revolves around a Gujarati family in which the mistress of the household is the black sheep. No one seems to appreciate her.
Comes along, Tanaaz Currim as her daughter-in-law and friend. The rejected and neglected woman finds an understanding companion in Tanaaz Currim as her daughter-in-law. However this poor woman's happiness does not last long...
The actual masala in this play comes after the interval as Currim walks in with her new avataars, literally speaking!