Life is beautiful. One must live happily and let others also live happily.
AYE! ZINDAGI is a story of three friends in a small town. They are living happily and enjoying their lives. But one day, one of them is diagnosed HIV positive. They face social neglect and go through a lot of emotional trauma.
Finally they overcome the situation. Even today in India, in spite of much awareness, an AIDS victim is harassed and tortured, mentally as well as physically. The play throws light on the need and the importance of spreading awareness about AIDS.
No Smoking:
A satire which throws light on the ill effects of smoking. Not only is the health of the smoker compromised but his family is also affected. Prem, Aakash, Pagli Uncle and Jay meet in a park. And the struggle between smokers and non-smokers begins.
Ek Nanhi Cheekh:
This story is about female foeticide. It shows how the society is dominated by men who hate the girl child so much that they can go to any extent. The story revolves around two couples who are expecting a baby. The husbands force their wives to get the foetus aborted when they get to know that they are going to have a baby girl. What happens next is the effect of this crime.