Madhuri Dixit is a romantic-thriller play which revolves around a couple named Ramakant and Madhuri who are happily married to each other, but this is not an ordinary relationship as Madhuri is in a vegetable state for the past seven years fighting a rare type of coma named Locked -in- syndrome. Madhuri met with an accident just after 6 days of marriage and since then she is trapped in her own body. Ramakant’s wife Madhuri understands everything that is happening around her but is not able to speak, react or communicate with the outer world. Ramakant has been serving and taking care of his wife since they got married setting an image of an idol husband who is ready to sacrifice his whole life to bring Madhuri back to consciousness. Ramakant is a well-respected professor in an engineering college and also an introvert personality who minds his own business. Ramakant has a friend named Pratik who is also a neurosurgeon and visits his place now and then for Madhuri’s routine check-ups, A Romantic yet suspense genre play where the thrill kicks in as soon asthe doctor doubts his friend Ramakant having an extramarital affair, which uncovers an inconceivable lie that Ramakant has been hiding from the world, this particular truth and lie game uncovers the story with a fringe of humour is “Madhuri Dixit