Cast : Ketki Dave, Shailija Shukla, Parag Shah, Jigish Vyas, Hina Velani and Hitesh Upadhyay
Shobha Divan is a typical housewife whose sole goal in life is to make her family happy. She simply asks for some respect in return. On the contrary, all she receives is humiliation from her husband, Devdat Divan, who believes Shobha is only suitable for the kitchen work. Suddenly one day, while Devdatt was in the hospital, Shobha was forced to take care of her family's business until he was released. Everything goes smoothly and Shobha excels in managing the business. Devdat Divan gets discharged and wants Shobha to sit back home and orders her to take care of the kitchen because that is where she belongs. But now that the lioness has tasted the blood, will she go back to the kitchen or will she revolt back? Will the society and family accept this? All such questions are answered in a rollercoaster ride of emotions in the play "House Wifeni Hutututu