


By MTG editorial

Director : Aakash Prabhakar
Cast : Aakash Prabhakar, Vinithra Madhavan Menon, Shalini V

A Terrible Combination

Two girls who are hiding from an unseen, unknown danger, end up bonding in unexpected ways. The revelation of their identities can either be traumatic, or a true catharsis. Which will it be?

Written, Directed, and Performed by: Shalini V and Vinithra Menon

Close your eyes...

Synopsis: Kamali, an unsuspecting girl guided by her well-intentioned but misinformed mother, tells us her tale as a woman. Who is to blame in this circus of conditioning and circumstances? Only time will tell. Meanwhile, close your eyes and pray to God...everything will be alright.

Written and performed by: Keerthana PV

The American Dream

Written By Aakash Prabhakar

A nice big house in California or Washington Dc may be, two cars, two kids, make a lot of money and enjoy that lifestyle that we see on television or hear our relatives living all the time is usually what we want isn’t it? That has always been the dream. The American Dream is a monologue about the American dream that a boy always chased since he was in 4th grade. But not all dreams come true isn’t it?

Who cares if it doesn’t? Life moves on anyway..

Love Actually

A woman talks about her fucked up encounters with men, wondering if she will ever find love again.

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