Revolving inconspicuously around an Irani café, a web of stories weave themselves in and out around the tangled lives of our central characters. The mood is light and airy, a breeze that blows in and out of every corner. A young woman who makes films walks out on her drunken sailor husband, and he, realizing his mistake, now has to get her back. The sailor bumps into the Gangster, a suave and cool man. The two of them overhear a conversation between a sixteen year old girl and a seventeen year old boy planning to elope. The girl’s father is a monstrous tyrant. The gangster falls in love with an actress, and wonders how to break the news to his girlfriend-moll. But the moll has fallen for a young boxer and is wondering how to deal with her insanely jealous gangster. And then there’s the owner of the Irani café, where their lives tend to run into each other.
A genial man who likes to watch life unfold. And all the stories run together, held together by a magical breeze that makes sure that after some bumps and starts, everyone gets what they want and harmony reigns