TOUCH AND GO is a romantic comedy written by Derek Benfield, blending together the basic ingredients of deceit, deception and mistaken identity. Revolving around two young couples, the play takes a bizarre turn of events. Ronny is married to Diana. On the pretext of going jogging, Ronny meets up with his girlfriend Tanya in his best friend's Flat. Ronny's wife Diana is ignorant about these meetings. Ronny's best friend Neville is also having an affair with Ronny's wife Diana. The arrangement works well for some time until Neville's wife returns a little too early from her business trip to Dubai and puts the cat amongst the pigeons. But real complications start when Neville lies to his wife Jessica that Ronny is suffering from a heart ailment which Ronny's wife Diana is not aware of and Tanya is actually a nurse who is attending to Ronny.
Neville fabricates these lies to fool Jessica in order to save Ronny from getting caught by Jessica. Further complications arise when Jessica invites Ronny with his nurse Tanya, (with Neville's knowledge) for dinner and Ronny's wife Diana unexpectedly drops in at the house. From here on the permutations becomes so intricate that it seems impossible that Ronny, Neville, Diana and Jessica can ever sort them out. But miraculously they do!