In 1928, drought-stricken farmers of Bardoli, Gujarat, embarked on a Satyagraha against the increase of land tax rates imposed on them by the British India government. This successful agitation, led by Vallabhbhai Patel, earned him the title 'Sardar'. It is ironical that the very words used by Sardar exposing the government's injustice 85 years ago, hold true until today. The play is set in post-Liberalisation India, when the battles for food, for education, for employment and for economic security have presumably been won. Born at the cusp of transition, Mihir grows up in a world full of promises. To his father the ebullient Mihir is a pioneer-free to be himself, a football fan and...infinitely more fun. Until...when the Bardoli Satyagraha changes their lives forever. The current raging Agrarian Crisis in India, one of the worst-ever recorded in history, captures young Mihir's attention. Taking a cue from the historical Bardoli Satyagraha and drawing inspiration from its hero, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Mihir embarks on a perilous journey. With his hapless and flawed father looking on...
POSTCARDS FROM BARDOLI is a timely reminder that the goals of Swaraj are yet to be attained. For, those who learn nothing from History, are condemned to repeat it.