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Rupesh, a traditional mind-set
by Anindya on May 2 2016 2:07PM (IST)
I was in Rupesh's show on 30th April at St. Andrew's audi.I am 54 yrs old and believe in aging gracefully so I avoid using all external colors like hair color etc.Suddenly he came to me and said Namaste Senior Citizen Madam.I was very surprised that looking at my white hair how could he immediately assess my age and there were so many old ladies with black hair. Rupesh, I am disappointed that you have a typical mind-set and very superficious guy - when I told you that I was not Senior Citizen, he gave me a suspicious look and said that my second chance would never come. I appreciate humor but humor should have some respect. His show was nothing great and rather too much of stupidity and verbose. He needs sophistication and a classy style.
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