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English Literature
by Bhagyashree Varma on Aug 3 2017 1:20PM (IST)
I have watched this play and it reminded me of Waiting for Godot; Naseer the God of acting is absent in the play and the two waiting souls are fine blend of emotion and intellect but not with the absurd ethos as they carry the full world of memories of eventful lives lived so far with them. In place of black humor here we have lively spontaneity too humorous to ignore. The suspense is maintained till the last scene and the grip on our eyes is so fixed that we cannot think of a blink at something else than what is going on the stage. Jaimini Pathak makes it an experience of everyone by his realistic impressionism in action and the punches are well played with right pauses and accurate nuances. Less property on the set chosen to represent the world of an actor's desire in theatre and at the same time of the two souls who stand for the beginner and the expert in the same journey. Naseer seems to be the memory and the dream and occupies the hope of fulfilment, the destination of a traveller and the doomsday of the straggler on quest. One has to listen to the statements thrown as they trigger ideas and interpretations for more sense in what is less shown through the comedy of dialogue. After those plays of ideas by Shaw this is the one I am sure I will ever recall.
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