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Review - Parde mein rehne do
by Ankit Dhawan on Aug 12 2019 11:59AM  (IST)

This play should have been left at the place suggested by the title; or more appropriately should have been locked in a box, spooled with the chain and drowned to the ocean floor. I went to see this play after reading in its description that it was a musical comedy. It was neither. The musical bit was limited to inanities like 'twinkle twinkle little star' and comedy - well it never started. To distract myself from the hideous faces and horribly shrill voices of the cast, I was looking around to see if anyone was laughing. Except for the couple sitting in the first row, who looked like they were related to the lead actress, no one was. My girlfriend and my family had expressions on their faces that seemed to ask, "will it be too rude if we left out in the middle of the play?" And I was staring at a rod above the set thinking, "will it bear my weight if I hang myself from it?" All through the play, I was thinking - Is this really happening to me? Will my parents and my gf still love me after what I am putting them through? Does God exist? If it does why is he so cruel to subject me to such horror? Too much about myself. Let me come to the specific grouses about the play:
1. No coherent story: all you see is a bunch of loud people ambling about on the stage. It seemed more like a nukkad natak than a real play
2. Stupid lyrics: seems like they specially hired a lobotomized eight year old to write the lyrics of the songs
3. Loud cast: they failed to judge the size of the venue and modulate the voice accordingly
4. No interval: so people could leave with their sanity still half intact
5. No money back provision: I want my money back. Please. I slog 5 days a week so as to earn my paycheck. For the amount of money I paid for this play, I could have gotten myself castrated so no one in my bloodline is subjected to horrors such as this play.
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