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opportunity from London
by Caroline Friedman on Jun 9 2020 1:36AM (IST)
Scenesaver is a free website from London, like a netflix, showing more than 70 performances from offwestend and fringe theatres around the world. It is free to watch and free for actors to show their work. The actors can earn money because we ask people to pay a voluntary ticket price donation and this money goes to the actors. They can also win a theatre award so please send us your work. It can be in any language and any genre drama, dance children's. Theatre lovers go on to to see amazing theatre performances from all over the world. there are new shows coming online every day.
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by Ayushman on Nov 18 2018 1:19PM (IST)
The Father’ at NCPA on 13 th September, 2018
The theatre group Motley has a unique way of performing on unusual topics . The performance by Nasseruddin Shah of an old man gradually losing his faculties, riven by bouts of Alzemeir was exceptional . He could bring out the angst of an aged person yearning for company of his daughter rather than that of a care taker at home or institutional support at a home for aged or hospital . At times he is funny, loveable and at times senile and pathetic too . The play deals with tensions of relationships in an absorbing manner . The supporting cast was equally competent before the veteran actor . On its flip side the plot and it’s treatment without a well defined set or Nepathya hinders the free flow of the drama . Adding to it are the gaps between two scenes and movement of characters from all the four corners of the centrally located ground level stage . The otherwise remarkable play fails to evoke holistic afterthoughts in a discerning mind . In the end the viewers return with memories of Nasseruddin Shah’s performance sans the play .
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The Father
by Manju Sampat on Oct 7 2017 10:59AM (IST)
Excellent review Ms. Punjabi
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