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What an insult to theatre!
by Stuti Kochhar on Jul 20 2024 1:40PM  (IST)

This is altogether a garbled and nonsensical play without a story line or any natural storytelling progression. The jokes are trash -bottom, don't expect them to venture beyond the toilet.
It masquerades as a children's play but is a shame on any performance before children.
I did speak with Makarand Deshpande after the performance and he altogether dismissed any critique with "that's your opinion" - how sad.
The stage has a moral authority for a child, as it surely did for me. This play however, with it's utter buffoonery, is stage pollution, and because it doesn't have any real content or purpose, I can't engage in a further substantive critique. Please don't expose your children to this insult to theatre.
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