
The Alchemist

Direction : Mahesh Datani
Writer : Paulo Coelho
Cast : Mohan Kapur, Dipankar Chakravarty, Abhimanyu Jain, Hemwant Tiwari, Tarique Hassan, Vinay Sharma, Shilpi Arora, Pathy Aiyar, Tarun Singh Negi, Sandip Sikcand and Asif Ali Beg

The Alchemist play review

Pooja Gautam

Paulo Coelho would have first gone blind and then fallen into the depths of depression if he were to have seen this staged adaptation of his internationally bestselling book. A gaudy set and dazzling clothes would have been the reason for his blindness, and the brutal murder of his philosophy, the reason for his depression.

The Alchemist, whose words have become definitive expressions for peace and passion; for the ability to dream and to take on challenges, are lost in the meaningless blabber of the actors on stage. The characters themselves look like caricatures from the original novel. The play's script is a very loose adaptation by Deepa Gahlot and is quite stage unworthy. The actors go about their parts like they have never read the book and are equally bad in portraying the characters. Asif Ali Beg should just thank god that his good voice barely manages to get him through in this production.

The book is about connecting with the soul of the world. The re-created world of the play on the other hand makes you want to strangle it with your bare hands. The set design was not just lousy, but chaotic and too garish. It will haunt you much after you have left the play. Ditto for the lights and the costumes. It was at least merciful that the Music was not blaring. Mahesh Dattani's direction could not have been possibly worse. A complete waste of a production.

*Pooja Gautam is a business journalist who enjoys Theatre.

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