JINKU YA DAHAHI DISHA evokes the tradition of the People�s Poet (Lok Shahir) to talk about the caste system that continues to asphyxiate the working of our democracy. The narrator (sutradhar) of the play encounters a young boy who is made to be a representative of today�s youth. The familiar critique of consumerism and globalization is played out.
The narrator then introduces the young boy to the once rich, vibrant and the resonant voice of the Lok Shahirs who in their turn bring to life people from history- Chhatrapati Shivaji, Mahatma Phule, Shahu Maharaj and Dr. Ambedkar. These historical figures bemoan the wrong appropriation of their histories for the vested interests of the politicians. Each sets out to put his ideology in perspective. The play employs live music and the songs sung by the shahir-actors bring to life some of the great poetry of shahirs like Amar Sheikh and Anna Bhau Saathe.