Ank's latest theatrical production "Chabi" is a social satirical comedy that shakes the audience and also makes them think. A play inspired by Neil Simon's Promises Promises, Chabi delves into the life of a man who works in a private limited company who desires of becoming an executive. It is not hardwork or calibre which is important but what counts the most is whether you are in a position to make your seniors happy, as that would possibly decide your promotion.
Directed by Dinesh Thakur, the play consitently attracts the attention of the spectators with clever usage of dialogues and interesting characters that are normally seen in any office. All the characters played their parts well especially Aman Gupta and Preeta Mathur and the stage settings and music were appropriate to the occasion. A situational comedy which is always welcome by theatre buffs.
Chabi was presented on 10th October, the last day of the ten day festival of plays by the Ank group. The other plays presented were Jis Lahore Nahi Dekhya, Anji and Hai mera Dil. It is interesting to note that Hai Mera Dil has already completed 978 shows, a landmark in the history of Hindi theatre.
Speaking on the occasion Dinesh Thakur said "Ank has always been fortunate to get the complete support from people and sponsors like Katha Group. Ank has always been provding entertainment that can be watched by the entire family without any compromises whatsoever".