The play revolves around yesteryear super-star Chandini (Poonam Dasgupta) who fell in love with Abdullah (Rahul Roy) an Arab prince. Abdullah fondly called her his 'Begum Sahiba'. She gave up her stardom for him. Destiny had in store that Abdullah died in an accident in their short lived romance & matrimony. Begum Sahiba became a recluse & never returned to her famed career.
Her gay secretary (Zaraa Ishnava) appeases Begum Sahiba to overcome her sorrow & loneliness with comedy & dance with gay friends. Raj (Raj Premi) a pimp supplying gigolos to Mumbai's high society sees a potential in exploiting Begum Sahiba's loneliness & introduces her to his prized gigolo Rahul (Rahul Roy's double role). Unaware of Rahul's infamous profession & the uncanny semblance to Abdullah, Rahul gets Begum Sahiba out of her shell to fall in love with him. Seeing this romance bloom Raj dreams of the fortunes now in store if Begum Sahiba is to will her vast fortunes to Rahul & somehow die. Rahul does not agree to Raj's criminal intentions & leaves both Raj & Begum Sahiba forever.
But Raj is not the kind of man to give up. He still nearly succeeds. but how can this ever be possible with Rahul gone? An unbelievable climax unfolds.