Cast : Dharmendra Gohil, Aishwarya Mehta, Satchit Puranik, Huseini Dawawala, Pradip Vengurlekar, Ishaan Doshi, Alpesh Dixit, Naman Sheth, Hasit Shah, Navid Kaadri, Dhruv Dave and Pratham Shah
MAREEZ Story :
The play is a deep serious exploration of the poetic impulse based on the life of Mareez: poet, writer of beautiful ghazals, lover of alcohol; a man who courts any muse visible to him; a man reduced to selling his poetry to businessmen who pass it off as their own- MAREEZ is a fantasia on the theme of poetic improvisation.
Based on Raish Maniaar's book- 'Mareez': Astitva ane Vyaktitva, Mareez is unique in Gujarati Literature. In the artificial split between high culture and pop culture, Mareez makes his appearance like a colossus. As all creative geniuses do, Mareez completely redefined the ground rules of shayri, a genre made famous by Urdu ghazalkars.
Manoj Shah's production brings alive the life and times of this underrated poet with a palpable energy. Gulam Mohammed Sheikh's backdrop is sublimely beautiful, providing the perfect setting to a biographical play interspersed with the poetry of life.