He was the chosen one; a king, chosen by the omnipresent for the element that would make him immortal. The undying love for his queen made him bestow the fruit of life on her, only later tp question the very meaning of life. He questioned...felt dejected and was crestfallen... he further questioned... he saw his world burn like a towering inferno... he still questioned... then more... he found answers... answers that led to the realization of the truth- that the reality is nothing but an illusion!
This realization dawned on a cremation ground in the company of the almighty. It made him think. He then wrote as he thought and at the same time kept on thinking while he wrote. "Shrinagar Shatak" "Niti Shatak" and ultimately "Vayragya Shatak" were the outcomes that taught the world the fundamentals of "Moksha".
AMAR FAL is the stroy of Raja Bharthari which ends as the story of Sant Bharthari.
Bharthari has been a mystery since the 5th Century and numerous scholars have tried to decipher his works; from the Dutch in 1651 to the French in 1670 to the Germans in 1882. Many notable thinkers thereafter were influenced by his thoughts.
Bharthari's works have been translated into various languages like English, Greek, Russian, Marathi, Brij and Hindi. With Kalidas as his close friend and Gopichand as his nephew who looked upon him, Bharthari becomes all the more transcendent.